A striking image, Heather. Unusually, I read this pic from right to left as my eye runs up this tree. Such right-left movement, in this culture at least, creates an uneasy or discomforting feeling [think of films where the camera pans from right to left]. Further disquiet is also engendered by the frame running horizontal rather than the usual vertical often used to portray towering subjects. It all makes me feel dizzy, as it should. Have you not ever felt dizzy when peering up the sides of very tall buildings? Well, this photo accomplished that impression, just as it should. The viewer becomes disoriented. Neat!
A striking image, Heather. Unusually, I read this pic from right to left as my eye runs up this tree. Such right-left movement, in this culture at least, creates an uneasy or discomforting feeling [think of films where the camera pans from right to left]. Further disquiet is also engendered by the frame running horizontal rather than the usual vertical often used to portray towering subjects. It all makes me feel dizzy, as it should. Have you not ever felt dizzy when peering up the sides of very tall buildings? Well, this photo accomplished that impression, just as it should. The viewer becomes disoriented. Neat!