Thursday, April 26

Farm fence, Slate River Valley, near Thunder Bay, Ontario.


  1. awesome!! love it... can i have one for my wall?? you are so talented when it comes to this... so proud!
    (and if there is a dog photo or two thrown in i'll be okay with that :)
    me :)

    1. Awww, thanks, that's so sweet. What a great first comment! :D
      (and I'm sure there WILL be a dog picture here or there, it can not be avoided)

  2. What a gorgeous photograph! It delights the eye and stirs the mind in both its manner and matter: the lines, the movement, the shapes, the balance, the rich symbolism, the comment on man and nature. Images, of course, are 2-dimensional, but a good photographer can make them appear 3-dimensional, can give them depth where there is none.You achieve this rather artfully with the dark, broken beam receding from the sharp right angle at the fence post, which is the anchor of the image. The eye initially is drawn to this dark and snapped beam while the light, horizontal lines push out from the left towards the right and unite with those dark lines at the foreground post, suitably placed just right of center. The cutting, knife lines of the "old" barb wire fence play off against the clean and angular lines of the "new" fence, both contrasting with the softer, randomized shapes of the curling undergrowth. One intrusive in artificial shape and line, the other naturally harmonizing with the landscape glimpsed as background, all observed by that gossamer cloud. The post slices two points to view: old against the new, the past against the present, decay against renewal and the futility of man's efforts to subdue nature. There is futility, there is death as this fence slowly disappears into nature and melts into time. The new fence's inevitable doom is clearly spelled out in the branches of that small tree cutting vertically through its man-made horizontal plane. Everything is so perfectly framed, so well balanced and so strikingly positioned. Are you sure you didn't paint this picture? You've such smart eyes. I'm so pleased we get to see some of your pics, Heather. Sorry about being overly wordy here, but the pic warranted it.

    1. Wow, thanks for your thoughts Ian. I can always count on you to delve deeper and see beyond the simple image. I enjoy your observations, glad you stopped by!
