Wednesday, January 8



  1. What a gently beautiful image! It just looks right back at me, holding my eye on that softly edged sun as well as the black and bare stalks darkly outlined against the blue-washed sky. The stalks are as marks streaking across both that sky and that fading-yellow sun. I'm forced to look at this landscape and see it anew. You make artistic use here of light, light fading, sun sinking. "Dusk', a photographer's delight. The image is warmly "delightful" and I've come back to the site to look at it many times today.

  2. Thanks Ian, I really like this image. But just one thing.. that is the moon in the background, not the sun. It was rising just as the sun was setting that night, and it was so bright! I can see why you thought it was the sun.
