Tuesday, July 3

Dried vines on a fence.

1 comment:

  1. As I've noted before, a forceful photograph, for me, must show artistic employment of the camera as well as having something to say. I love your art because you know your camera and you communicate thought and/or feeling. You don't airbrush reality. The focal line of the photo catching the eye is vertical and placed, somewhat unusually, right in the middle of the frame. But it works. There really are no rules to observe, but break them only if you're experienced and good. Yeah, you can break them, Heather. Solid depth running right to left - the usual line. You've mixed your approach, Heather, but the eye is pleased; the frame is balanced despite the center split. As well, the image is rich in symbolism: nature,that small, lifeless vine, wrapped around the cold, metal strength of that barbed wire. A union wished for but not achieved - the communion between the two is only external, merely temporary. The milled wood in the background serves as reinforcement of this main theme. I won't make further comment on the meaning of this pic [I do have a tendency to go on and on.], but note that the image is a cross - very interesting on thematic level. Your work has form and depth. A lovely shot! I guess I'm a fan.
